Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Back to Work, Back to Reality

I'm back at work, I'm back to reality. Yesterday, I arrived at the office at exactly 9 am not knowing what lies ahead. As soon as my boss saw me, i was given tasks, and by 10:30 am I'm attending a division meeting. Seems like my desk has been tasked to 3 people when i left. I was given new assignments but unlike before it is now centralized in the office. We had lunch at about 12 noon and missed this life that I had before.
By 3:30 pm, I was back at my feet doing some of the paperwork and more procedural papers were tasked on me. It was like this when I left the office last June. Papers seemed to come from everywhere. My boss requested me to accompany him at SM Mall of Asia (imagine how big the mall is and I walked, from buliding to building) because he wants to buy a phone. By 7:30 we're done with the phone. We had dinner and by 8:15 I'm on my home to Bulacan. Whew! What a day!
My dad is supposed to be celebrating his birthday yesterday. I'm glad it was postponed for today. I had like 7 invitations to diplomatic receptions, dinners and cocktails that I found on my table, and I'm not planning to attend them.
This is the life that I deserved. I far cry from my 2 months of being strapped to our rocking chairs watching noontime shows, news and soap opera. I still ask for your prayers for this life to continue until my dreams are fulfilled.


Toyo said...

cool photos.
just dropping by :-)

have a nice day fellow paulinian.

Josel said...

thanks rey... good that you like it.. thanks for keeping in touch